Aug 1, 2020

Mobile app Cash back

When I joined Hopper, I was a bit unsure of what my role would entail. But I really liked their approach to product testing and had a hunch that the growth team was working on something really significant. For the next 18 months, I had the pleasure of collaborating with a team of incredibly talented individuals to lay the groundwork for what is now the cornerstone of every transaction on Hopper: the Wallet, Carrot Credits, and Cash Back.

First brick, a wallet

Knowing that customers are very price-sensitive (surprise!), we began by offering a $10 discount on any hotel stay. We built a Wallet where users can view and redeem their offer, and had to develop a lot of infrastructure that would allow us to move quickly without trapping ourselves later on.


Starting the flywheel

Implementing cash back rewards for future transactions was an effective tool for retaining customers and increasing future transactions. We strategically implemented the cash back mechanics at key moments in the user journey, and expanded on a visual language for all things related to transactions.




Trials and Errors

The growth team I worked with was incredibly resilient. Building fintech during the early days of a pandemic was far from easy, so we tried many experiments. At times, it was dizzying, but as the design lead, it was my challenge to connect the dots between all those experiments and make sense of them as one coherent user experience.




Paving the Way

Before leaving Hopper for Practice, with the assistance of Sarah and Derek, I compiled data-backed ideas on how the Wallet could become the central hub for Hopper. Additionally, I documented a coherent system to help advocate for a fully thought-through customer experience.


